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Favorite Soul-Winning Experiences
Author: Dr. Jack Hyles
The richest and fullest life known to man is that of the Christian who has learned the blessedness of personal soul winning. To the soul winner, God gives a unique joy, an incomparable satisfaction, and richness of life. To the person who is constantly engaged in winning others to Christ, God gives even more. He allows the sweetest, most unusual, and even humorous events to happen. Perhaps the dear Lord realizes that the person busily engaged in soul winning does not have the time or even the desire to pursue the normal events of life which bring laughter and pleasure. Hence, He interjects into the life of the soul winning such experiences that more than compensate for whatever sacrifices soul winning necessitates.
The following pages are given as an enticement to the Christian with a prayer that many will enter into this fuller life that is available for all of God’s people, and will thereby, “Shine as the stars forever and ever…” The author begs leniency from the reader, for he fully realizes that the excessive usage of first-person pronouns leaves him vulnerable to criticism. He does snot wish to become known as the “Master of Soul Winners,” but has a burning desire to be a better soul winner for the Master.